Do a full mock speaking test in your own time.

The mock speaking test is asynchronous meaning that you can complete it at a time that suits you (no need to book an appointment!).

You will be asked questions and then given the opportunity to record and submit your response to each question/task.

You will then be given a mock score and useful feedback by an experienced IELTS trainer within 72 hours of completing the test.

The whole test takes around 15 minutes and consists of 3 parts:

Part 1 - general questions on a topic you are familiar with (hobbies/travel/study/etc).

Part 2 - 1-2 minute monologue based on a cue card.

Part 3 - Discussion questions on a topic linked to previous questions in the test.

Module 1 Introduction
There are no units in this module.
Module 2 Part 1
Unit 1 Introduction
Unit 2 Question 1
Unit 3 Question 2
Unit 4 Question 3
Unit 5 Question 4
Module 3 Part 2
Unit 1 Individual Long turn
Module 4 Part 3
Unit 1 Discussion 1
Unit 2 Discussion 2