Overview of the task

• You will be given a graph, table, chart or process that shows some data or information related to a specific topic

• You will have 20 minutes to complete the task

• You will have to write at least 150 words

• You will be marked on four criteria: task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource and grammatical range and accuracy


Breakdown of what you need to do

• Analyse the graph, table, chart or process and identify the main features, trends, comparisons or stages

• Plan your summary and organise your ideas into paragraphs

• Write an introduction that paraphrases the question and gives an overview of the main features

• Write one or two body paragraphs that describe the details of the graph, table, chart or process using data, numbers and percentages

• Write a conclusion that summarises the main points or implications of the graph, table, chart or process

• Check your summary for accuracy, coherence, vocabulary and grammar